Fall Equinox On The Path/Collage and Photo by Naomi Khan
/Today as I took my morning walk I asked a few questions for this change time of the Fall Equinox. What wants to be harvested that allows the seeds of my soul their dispersment into the world? What wants to be known and what wants to be let go of? What does this particular place want of me?
Four parking lot crows met me as the sun was just beginning to rise. I walked a bit and 5 golden horse chesnuts were in my path. Down by the river I heard russlings and there were 6 ducks in mud-like water finding food. As I turned onto the path through the woods I immediately saw my long tall shadow before me. two rabits were the gate I walked through. Mist was on the swampy waters and some leaves were beginning to change. Rose hips were brightly shinning on their branches and yellow floweres lined the way..
I was grateful for this forest, swamp, and river and this day where my breath is coming easier and my energy is coming back just in time for the harvest and the dyings. I sang my gratitude to the earth my feet were walking on, the wildness, the crisp cold air reminding my bones I am alive. On my way back across the threshold the ducks appeared again and a heron that was next to them took off and barked at me as if to say my breath was disturbing her hunting today. She of course resumed her still stance in the watere a bit further away.. So for today I Will be alert for signs of my Long tall shadow, who I am disturbing with my breath and singing my gratitude.
May this time of season change bring you just what is needed for your Soul Seeds to find there way to a Larger Conversation.
with gratitude,
Naomi Khan