seeds of the crone
Naomi has been making life-masks with neighborhood groups, couples, individuals, school classes and other groups for over 15 years. Participants find mask making to be a rich and rewarding experience personally and in connection with community. This process can be done in a weekend or over a 3-4 week time period in once a week sessions. Naomi often combine mask making with I Ching Drumming, Journey Work and Ritual. The medium used is cast plaster and the mask is of your face.
Mask making and the use of masks has been practiced in indigenous cultures throughout time as:
- A Powerful medium to honor our ancestors and future beings and their wisdom.
- A way to deal with our shadow, false selves, demons, illness, depression, loss, etc.
- A way of accessing and learning from guides in nature and dreams.
- A way of remembering who we are and why we are here..
- A way of knowing our own mythic journey.
Vimeos by Werner Brandt/ Sacred Mask Making Process by Naomi Khan in co-creation wtih Communal Heart
If you, your group or organization are interested in experience this process please contact me.